This was created as a detailed regional map for the world of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight.
Continue reading “Cities of Vallinor map for Rhune Dawn of Twilight”
Fantasy maps and mapmaking tutorials by Jonathan Roberts
This was created as a detailed regional map for the world of Rhune: Dawn of Twilight.
Continue reading “Cities of Vallinor map for Rhune Dawn of Twilight”
Jaye Sonia has finally lifted the veil on Rhune: Dawn of Twilight, which means that I can show off the map I did for him!
I’ve got a new map pack out on RPGNow.
Continue reading “Temple Mound Map Pack released on RPGNow and Paizo”
This sunken city map was created for Open Design for their Pathfinder supplement Sunken Empires. I was asked to create a city in two halves – one above the sea and one below – built on top of the ruins of an ancient city that had been sunken beneath the waves and recently re-appeared. Nothing like a challenge…
Continue reading “Cassedega – Built on the Ruined Remains of Ankeshel”
This was created as a personal piece and was then picked up by Open Design. It has since graced the back page of Kobold Quarterly #13 in glorious full colour and turned up in Sunken Empires – a sourcebook for underwater adventure. It can be purchased at full resolution – 100 pixels per grid – in the Kobold Quarterly store here.