Midgard’s Frozen North

Fire and ice – the northmen have come.

The map of the northlands of the fantasy land of Midgard for Open Design
The Northlands of Midgard

Open Design has released Frozen Empires, the first regional supplement since the announcement that the world that holds Zobeck would be the world of Midgard. The christening of the world was a good opportunity to change the style of the world maps a little, and this is the first in the new style to be released. Here’s a low res version of the Frozen North (you can click the image above to see a larger version). The full size version appears in the Frozen Empires pdf, and print versions. Check it out!

Ice logo for the Open Design fantasy world of Midgard

New Map Pack – The Sand Dragon Inn

Fantasy battlemap map pack of the Sand Dragon Inn for Dungeons and Dragons, 4e and pathfinderIt’s the first of the month – which means a new map pack is out! This month it’s the Sand Dragon Inn, once again in collaboration with Kobold Quarterly and the guys at Open Design. The Inn sits in the baking desert heat, a rare oasis of luxury amid the sand. The thick walls and some simple enchantments keep the air cool and the wine and meats chilled. Surely nothing bad can come from stopping here for a while? Continue reading “New Map Pack – The Sand Dragon Inn”

More IDW Maps – D&D #2: Hide in Plain Sight

Module edition of D&D #2 comic: Hide in Plain SightThe D&D comic series continues to go from strength to strength, with the adventurers led by Adric Fell investigating the source of a mysterious plague. In this edition they find out that an artifact is at the root of events and chase it’s bearer as he flees from Fallcrest. It features fireballs, explosions, pick pocketing and Adric being hit in the head by a rock. Certainly worth getting a hold of.

As with the previous issue #1: Bad Day, this issue was also produced in a limited module edition that contains an adventure module written by Christopher Perkins. I created the maps for the encounters and now that it’s out I get to show them off! Continue reading “More IDW Maps – D&D #2: Hide in Plain Sight”

Fantastic Maps on Sale until September 1st

My Fantastic Maps range of fantasy maps is on sale this week (all 30% off, and the bundle reduced even more). The map packs have shiny new covers like this:

Fantasy map cover art for the Low River map pack
Each map pack has a jpg map sized for use with maptool or other virtual tabletop programs (mostly with a 100px grid but a couple of earlier maps are 75px), along with a printable multi-page map pack if you want to use it at a gametable. Many of the map packs contain maptool files with the VBL drawn in and grids and lighting set up for either 4e or OGL games. All of them will have these files included in early September (they’re all done, just not quite uploaded yet). If you buy now, you will get the new files with the maptool files when they are updated – so no reason to hold off.

Enjoy! Sale ends September 1st. You can find all the map packs here.

The Wreck of the Goodwife

Underwater map of the Wreck of the Goodwife
The Wreck of the Goodwife

This was created as a personal piece and was then picked up by Open Design. It has since graced the back page of Kobold Quarterly #13 in glorious full colour and turned up in Sunken Empires – a sourcebook for underwater adventure. It can be purchased at full resolution – 100 pixels per grid – in the Kobold Quarterly store here.