Today, a quick one on isometric pen and ink mountain ranges. Continue reading “Quick Mountain Tutorial!”
Tag: isometric
Free Isometric Grid Paper
Every week there’s a challenge on Google+ called the #fridayfiveminutemap challenge. This week the theme will be isometric. To give everyone a fighting chance, I’m offering a couple of resources for free.
Here’s a sheet of isometric grid paper. I’d assumed such a thing was easily available, but it seems not. Please feel free to take this and use it for whatever you like. I’ve also attached the .psd file with the grid on a separate layer so that you can get a little fancier with adding a grid to your digital maps.

If you want to dig a little further, I’ve put together a couple of tutorials on illustrating isometric maps:
How to Draw Grassland
Grasslands are tricky to map. They’re large empty open expanses. But if you just flood fill an area with light green it’ll stand out like a sore thumb against your beautifully rendered mountains and lovingly painted rivers and forests. The colour is tough too – you want it to be a light green without being fluorescent.
I’ve found that the following works well for grasslands: Continue reading “How to Draw Grassland”
How to Draw a Dungeon Map. Part 2: Colour
How do you take a dungeon map like this one from the previous tutorial and add colour? An isometric map is a little trickier than a top down map. Without a solid edge to use as a selection, we can’t use the tricks we use for top down dungeon maps. Instead I colour by hand. It’s not that hard – here’s the steps I use.
Continue reading “How to Draw a Dungeon Map. Part 2: Colour”
The Bandit’s Lair
Any self respecting bandit needs a lair. This month’s Fantastic Maps release, in partnership with Kobold Quarterly, presents a cavern lair that any Bandit prince would be proud of. The cave system was carved from the rock by the waterfall that still run through the middle, cascading between the two levels. Continue reading “The Bandit’s Lair”