How to draw isometric hand drawn mountains

Today’s tutorial is a quick walkthrough for isometric or forced perspective mountains. This is entirely software agnostic, and is the starting point for maps like this or this.

A tutorial on how to draw isometric mountains for fantasy maps

This sketch was drawn with a pen, but can equally be done in Gimp with a mouse, or Photoshop with a tablet. Continue reading “How to draw isometric hand drawn mountains”

How to make a grungy brush – Photoshop

One incredibly useful tool in photoshop is a good dynamic grungy brush.
How to make a grunge brush in photoshop

The human eye looks for detail and texture, or patterns and regularity. If you use a hard edged round brush in your work, there will be hard edged circles in your work. We’re very good at picking them out, so your audience will see them. On the other hand, if you use a brush with splattered edges, a random orientation and a variable size then there will be no pattern anywhere. Then the human eye sees other patterns and forms. It sees texture that isn’t there, and fills in regions with the texture it believes it should see. Continue reading “How to make a grungy brush – Photoshop”