City tile ideas

After showing off the city map tiles for Wayfinder #4 (previous post) it got me thinking. The square format is repetitive and blocky. Also, the directional lighting means the tiles can’t be rotated for variety without it looking like there are 4 different suns. So, whilst they are pretty, they have their drawbacks when trying to create a large map. I also feel that creating a whole city at this level of detail is a bit of a fools errand. That’s a lot of tiles to build a district, let alone a full city.

So I’ve been playing around, and because this is a personal project rather than a commission, I can make my mulling public. So here’s what I’ve come up with so far.

free city tile for fantasy city maps - sketch and ideas

Here’s some of the logic behind the design: Continue reading “City tile ideas”

New Map Pack – The Sand Dragon Inn

Fantasy battlemap map pack of the Sand Dragon Inn for Dungeons and Dragons, 4e and pathfinderIt’s the first of the month – which means a new map pack is out! This month it’s the Sand Dragon Inn, once again in collaboration with Kobold Quarterly and the guys at Open Design. The Inn sits in the baking desert heat, a rare oasis of luxury amid the sand. The thick walls and some simple enchantments keep the air cool and the wine and meats chilled. Surely nothing bad can come from stopping here for a while? Continue reading “New Map Pack – The Sand Dragon Inn”

Dark Sun Maps for IDW

I did some maps for the first Dungeons and Dragons comic – Bad Day. IDW has released a second comic series – this one set in the classic Dark Sun world of Athas. It features the adventures of a gladiator who escapes from the fighting arenas. Here’s a sample (more after the jump):

Silt Sailors fantasy battlemap Map for Ianto's Tomb - Dark Sun #1 comic and Dungeons and Dragons Module by IDW Continue reading “Dark Sun Maps for IDW”

The Great Tree – Yggdrasil with gears

What says norse more than Yggdrasil, the world tree? And what says steampunk more than clockwork gears?

Fantasy map of the great world tree in the Pathfinder game of Rhune

The world tree of Rhune holds the different planes of existence, many of which represent different futures for the world of Midgard. Some represent the triumph of death, others a mechanistic hell and a few where good triumphs. Continue reading “The Great Tree – Yggdrasil with gears”

The Wreck of the Goodwife

Underwater map of the Wreck of the Goodwife
The Wreck of the Goodwife

This was created as a personal piece and was then picked up by Open Design. It has since graced the back page of Kobold Quarterly #13 in glorious full colour and turned up in Sunken Empires – a sourcebook for underwater adventure. It can be purchased at full resolution – 100 pixels per grid – in the Kobold Quarterly store here.