More Free City Tiles!

Wayfinder 5 cover for free pathfinder contentWayfinder #5 is out in time for PaizoCon. It’s great to see this fan created magazine going from strength to strength. 5 is a good number – it shows that it has legs and it’s digging in for the long haul. The magazine keeps getting better and better, with this one containing 79 pages of adventures, monsters, variant rules and great art. The production quality is excellent and there are adverts by Paizo, Open Design, NeonCon and Rite Publishing (amongst many more). With that kind of backing, the magazine should have no difficulty continuing to grow. It’s a great place for people to try out their art or writing chops so there’s lots of new names in the contributor list as well as some familiar faces. You should definitely download your free copy to see who’ll be writing for Kobold Quarterly in a few months time!

I have some work in this Wayfinder as well. I created two more map tiles of city locations – to expand the set I created for the last Wayfinder. This time it’s a temple and a cathedral. Feel free to download these and use them for any non-commercial purpose.

New Fantasy Maps from The Elusive Foe by Interaction Point Games

Fantasy map for the pathfinder adventure Elusive Foe by Interaction Point Games

This map was created for the Pathfinder adventure The Elusive Foe by Interaction Point Games which has just come out. The action takes place in Scotland and the route takes in rolling forested hills and ruined towers. The real fun here was in the icons, and the inset map. I’m from Scotland so it was great to have the chance to illustrate a part of the world I know really well. Continue reading “New Fantasy Maps from The Elusive Foe by Interaction Point Games”

The City of Redwall

The Dwarves of Redwall are builders. Their city stands on three great terraces carved from the side of a mountain, and the walls are grounded by massive octagonal cannon towers. As with any dwarven city, the overground structures, temples and railway stations are just the surface. Below the city, mines and tunnels probe deep into the earth.

Fantasy map of the steampunk dwarven city of Redwall for Rhune, Dawn of Twilight Continue reading “The City of Redwall”

Work in Progress – The Kingdom of Thulaan

I’ve been keeping up a game with a couple of friends from university (using maptool as we’re now on different continents). We take it in turns to run sessions, and in one Pathfinder game we’re exploring the manifold intrigues of the Kingdom of Thulaan and the royal court of Orphaleson. There are scheming Dukes, warring religious factions and dispossessed sons of nobles, along with a looming orc threat and some unwholesome undead raised by forbidden necromancers.

It’s great fun and we’re starting to get a feel for the world. The GM has managed to create a great suspension of disbelief by keeping most of the foes human and the plot lines believable – no mean feat in the fantasy world of dungeons and dragons. I suspect his PhD in Mediaeval Polish history has come in very handy whilst building this campaign.

A map of the fantasy kingdom of Thulaan for the pathfinder campaign I'm playing in

But this is a cartography blog rather than a campaign journal – so it should be no surprise that I’ve been playing with putting together a map of the lands of Thulaan. Continue reading “Work in Progress – The Kingdom of Thulaan”

Pre-orders are up for The Breaking of Forstor Nagar!

Cover for the Breaking of Forstor Nagar Pathfinder D&D adventure

Savage battlecries and screams of pain echo through the streets and off the raw sheer walls that make up the carved stronghold of Forstor Nagar. The cannibalistic troops of The Hungering Legion have breached the gates, and the defenders have been routed. Continue reading “Pre-orders are up for The Breaking of Forstor Nagar!”

More IDW Maps – D&D #2: Hide in Plain Sight

Module edition of D&D #2 comic: Hide in Plain SightThe D&D comic series continues to go from strength to strength, with the adventurers led by Adric Fell investigating the source of a mysterious plague. In this edition they find out that an artifact is at the root of events and chase it’s bearer as he flees from Fallcrest. It features fireballs, explosions, pick pocketing and Adric being hit in the head by a rock. Certainly worth getting a hold of.

As with the previous issue #1: Bad Day, this issue was also produced in a limited module edition that contains an adventure module written by Christopher Perkins. I created the maps for the encounters and now that it’s out I get to show them off! Continue reading “More IDW Maps – D&D #2: Hide in Plain Sight”