Pre-orders are up for The Breaking of Forstor Nagar!

Cover for the Breaking of Forstor Nagar Pathfinder D&D adventure

Savage battlecries and screams of pain echo through the streets and off the raw sheer walls that make up the carved stronghold of Forstor Nagar. The cannibalistic troops of The Hungering Legion have breached the gates, and the defenders have been routed. Continue reading “Pre-orders are up for The Breaking of Forstor Nagar!”

New Map Pack – The Sand Dragon Inn

Fantasy battlemap map pack of the Sand Dragon Inn for Dungeons and Dragons, 4e and pathfinderIt’s the first of the month – which means a new map pack is out! This month it’s the Sand Dragon Inn, once again in collaboration with Kobold Quarterly and the guys at Open Design. The Inn sits in the baking desert heat, a rare oasis of luxury amid the sand. The thick walls and some simple enchantments keep the air cool and the wine and meats chilled. Surely nothing bad can come from stopping here for a while? Continue reading “New Map Pack – The Sand Dragon Inn”