Dreeston Surrounds

The regional fantasy map for the area around the fictional city of dreeston

Around Dreeston

This was my first ever regional map in colour. I am still very pleased with the way it came out and I get frequent requests for maps in a similar style. It was created for my home campaign and I’ve uploaded the full res image. It’s CC licensed CC-BY-NC-SA so feel free to use it for your own (non-commercial) uses.

3 thoughts on “Dreeston Surrounds”

    1. Actually all tablet work. This was a very early piece. It’s just much easier to do work from scratch with a tablet rather than scan and clean up pen and paper sketches.

  1. Is this part of a larger continent map somewhere? My DM started using this one and he is a first time DM. I am trying to see if there is a larger world available for him. I have looked through your other work and it does not seem to line up with anything. Great job by the way! I wish I could draw like that!

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