How to draw isometric hand drawn mountains

Today’s tutorial is a quick walkthrough for isometric or forced perspective mountains. This is entirely software agnostic, and is the starting point for maps like this or this. This sketch was drawn with a pen, but can equally be done in Gimp with a mouse, or Photoshop with a tablet.

How to Draw Top Down Mountains on a Map

Mountains are a defining piece of any world map. They are the largest features after the coastlines, they determine the borders of countries, and the obstacles adventurers must overcome. They are the home of lost treasures, dragons, and giants – as far from civilization as its possible to be. It can be hard to convey the majesty … Continue reading “How to Draw Top Down Mountains on a Map”

How to draw, shade, and colour a mountain range

I’ve written up a couple of tutorials before on drawing isometric mountain ranges for fantasy maps – but never more than the pen and ink stage. I’ve had a few requests for how to take this to the next step and colour the mountain ranges. Note that I use a graphics tablet. You can do this with … Continue reading “How to draw, shade, and colour a mountain range”

Beyond the Wall

I was wondering which map to post next, and then the weather made the decision for me. I can hardly see downtown Manhattan any more due to the snow outside my window. Winter has definitely come – in early March.

How to Draw Grassland

Grasslands are tricky to map. They’re large empty open expanses. But if you just flood fill an area with light green it’ll stand out like a sore thumb against your beautifully rendered mountains and lovingly painted rivers and forests. The colour is tough too – you want it to be a light green without being … Continue reading “How to Draw Grassland”