The town that started as a very rough sketch has now been turned into a full blown map pack, and is for sale on RPGNow and Paizo.
Here’s the rough sketch that started it all:

From that sketch I picked up some great ideas for locations in the town from the community on Google+, facebook and the Cartographers’ Guild. Armed with that list, I dug in, drew the featured locations, all the individual houses and finally added the tone and colour. This is the result!
The map pack contains both labeled and unlabeled high res jpgs. There’s also a muti-page pdf designed for printing at home (in colour and light greyscale, and in letter and A4 for maximum ease of use). When printed out, the map will cover 33″ by 25.5″ – which is a lot of town for players to get lost in.
In addition, the pack includes 33 buildings as individual pngs with transparent backgrounds for use in any personal non-commercial project. So you can extend this town to the north into the fields on top of the cliff, or start anew in another map and build your own city.

As you can see, the town map contains a waterwheel – powering a stone elevator, multiple temples, guildhouses, inns, a stone mason, smith, mysterious stone circle and a lighthouse. What more could you want for a base for adventure and skullduggery? Grab your copy here.
Seeing your original concept and hearing your journey in developing this map is awesome and inspiring! I was wondering: did you use traditiional paints for the landscape? Watercolor perhaps? Please tell more about the painting aspect. Thank you!!!
All done in photoshop! It’s a series of low opacity layers, and overlay layers, built up to add colour.
Wow, really an awesome map, mate! Inspired me a lot!
You’re welcome. Glad you like it!