7 thoughts on “The Only Map I’ll Draw Of Westeros Tonight”

  1. Wow, i am browsing already for some minutes and i have seen all these drawings. Just amazing, i draw a lot of maps to but i always struggle at some points and this website gonna help me out a lot!!!!

  2. Hey Jon,

    Love your site, and wondered if you wouldnt give us a few book recommendations? Any essential texts that would be great to add to my library?

      1. Not the one who originally asked for some book recommendations, but some beginners books on cartography would be awesome if you have any.

  3. Haven’t seen any content in a while here, hope that you are OK sir, perhaps just busy with a major project or something. Wishing the best for you, and continuing to enjoy the tutorials and posts of the past. Many thanks!

  4. Hi Jon,
    I discovered your website and I just love what you do and especially the fact that you share it with the world. I see the last post is from may 2016 I hope you are just kept away from here by commissioned worked or by joyful events.
    I was wondering if you had time to do something on how to do a tower (rapunzel style) or a city (Minas Tirith style) on a map. to be clear, not a map of those buildings but how to place them on a map seen from above, like a 3/4 downward angle so you have a bit of perspective.
    Thanks a lot

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