The map folio contains 3 vertical maps that together cover the whole world. We’ve already seen the map of Central Essos. This map picks up the west of the Rhoyne. and details Westeros, The Summer Isles and the Free Cities.

I’m always struck by the scale of Westeros when I see it on one map. The north is huge! However the farmland isn’t as fertile (indicated by the varied greens of the map), and the gateway to the north really is straight through The Neck.

In this map we also get a detailed look at the mysterious Summer Isles – just hinted at in the books from the exotic sailors. Here we see the jungle bound archipelago, and we can place it in context with the rest of the world.

Another island chain – the Iron Islands – takes up a lot less space on the map but punches well above its weight. The Iron Islands cause all sorts of trouble in the books, and soon in the TV series.

The larger scale allowed me to play with some more detail – so here’s a shot of the dark forests by Karhold and the Grey cliffs, snipped out at working resolution (3 times the print size).

And one more set of islands to finish up with – the Stepstones that separate (or connect) Dorne to the Disputed Lands to the East. That’s all for today. Check back early next week – we’ll be going to King’s Landing!
Great! How big was this map in pixel size and dpi?
All of these maps were 36″ by 24″ at 350dpi, so 12600 pixels by 8400 pixels. Glad you like them!
Nice. My computer would probably die trying to draw something like that. 😛
Yep. I had to do some hardware upgrades before this one. 16gb of ram and and external swap drive did the trick.