This month my second tileset for Profantasy has been released. The June 2011 Annual style is a dungeon tileset, with skeletons, treasure, lava, dark pits and sarcophagi. Your players can wade through fields of poisoned mushrooms or sit down for dinner on a red leather throne. This set has a solid core of all the things you need to build your villain’s evil lair.
It’s been over a year since I created my free tileset for maptool, and this is an evolution of that style. While the free tileset was created at 100px per 5 feet square, this set is illustrated at 500px per square. The extra detail really shows. It was great to get to dig into the details on the different pieces. So if you create a map with this set you can print it out at 500dpi – crazy high resolution.
You can check out the tileset here, along with two fantastic example maps put together by the guys at Profantasy – a Dread Dungeon and a Crossroads Inn.
I threw together a quick dungeon with these tiles – and if you can figure out a plot for the map you are free to use it! (click the image for a larger version)
It’s a privilege to be able to create these tilesets. I’ve been dead chuffed to see the March overland style turning up in maps over the internet. I hope that this Dungeon style helps people make some truly deadly lairs to challenge their players. If you spot a map in this style I’d love to get a link to it to check out what people come up with.
This set can also be used outside Profantasy products. The images are all pngs with transparent backgrounds and can be used in virtual tabletops for online play. This is how I’ll be using them. If you want to use them this way send the guys at Profantasy a note and they’ll walk you through the process to extract the individual pngs.
Looks great. Are they on sale now ? On the Profantasy website ? Is it part of some sort of bundle ?
It’s part of the annual style. So to pick them up you need to pick up the Annual Style for this year which will give you 12 style packs by the end of the year. I know the March style pack is the isometric overland style that I created (sample here). If you’re interested, then the link for the Annual is here.
Hi. Where can I find the version for PyMapper? it seems to be a fantastic tileset!
Thank you in advance.
PS: sorry for my bad english.
These tiles were commissioned specifically for Campaign Cartographer so there is no PyMapper set. However, they are now free to download from Profantasy from here:
Once you’ve downloaded it you can rename the .exe file to .zip and unpack the textures and images. Take those files and you should be able to import them into pymapper.
Thank you very much!
I create PyMapper tileset! It’s fantastic! I will create a lot of dungeon, with it!
Here it is some example image:
1- Test map, i do your example map:
2- And now, “Hall of goblin guards”:
Those look excellent! I’m glad you like it.
I removed your link to the download. Whilst Profantasy distribute the tileset for free, that does not mean it can be re-distributed for free. As a result I’m afraid I can’t allow you to put up public download links to that content.
Oh, it’s ok.
Hello Jon,
both annuals from you at profantasy are great. By this way I detect your other work like your fantastic maps. I like your handdrawn style very much. Are you plan to offer more of your images (in png), for example in an art pack, . Or as an extra to your fantastics maps?
Sorry for my bad english, best regards
I actually started off by releasing a large set of png objects for free and that’s how I picked up the Profantasy commission. You can find them here:
Whenever a Fantastic Maps map pack has an element that can be moved around I try to include that as a separate png file but that’s a slow way to build up a library of objects. However I am still working with Profantasy, so you can expect to see more png map elements from them in the near future.
Thanks for the comments – I’m really pleased you’re enjoying using my work,