Today sees the release of The Ship’s Graveyard map pack released in partnership with Kobold Quarterly. The pack details a huge underwater map (25 square feet when printed out full size) with walls of kelp, schools of fish and shipwrecked hulks. The perfect lair for a kraken or aboleth and their dark designs upon the world. When I used this map the players found themselves in the deep after their ship was destroyed by a kraken. At 6000px square (25 square feet when printed out at 1 square = 1 inch) there’s more than enough room for an epic battle against the horrors of the abyss.
Here’s a low res preview of the map in the pack:

The pack contains:
- printable pdf map packs in A4 and letter formats with colour and printer friendly greyscale versions of the map for printing and use at the gametable at 1 inch = 1 square scale.
- high res jpgs for printing out as a poster map, or for use in the virtual tabletop of your choice.
- png objects of a runic spiral, the heart of a whirlpool and an anchor compass for use with the map – or any other sea map you use.
- maptool campaign files for OGL and 4e versions of the game with vision blocking, compatible with maptool build 84 or newer.
You can pick up the pack here on RPGNow.
Looks like it’s doing well – the map pack’s currently at #7 on RPGNow’s top 100 products from small press publishers: